Artemis — Ancient Greek God

Artemis - Ancient Greek God

Artemis, Goddess of the Moon and of the Hunt
Roman name: Diana
Artemis was Apollo's twin sister. Her father was Zeus, king of all the gods. Her mother was the gentle Leto.

Artemis was Apollo's opposite. Her brother could be warm and loving. But Artemis was not like that. She adored her dogs. She loved her twin brother. She loved her Mom. She respected her Dad. She even liked most of her half-siblings. But to others, Artemis was cold and pitiless.

Artemis was a private goddess. There are not many myths about Artemis because not many Greek storytellers had the courage to tell tales about her. Her anger and her arrows were swift. Artemis had swore never to marry. She never did.


Artemis' Name
Even though Plato says that the name “Artemis” is related to her virginity and the Ancient Greek word for “unharmed” or “pure,” we now know that its origin is undoubtedly different and possibly even Persian. However, scholars can’t agree over its original meaning.

Artemis’ Family and Birth. The Trials of Leto
Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and Leto, herself a daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe. Angered by her husband’s infidelity, Hera hunted Leto over the whole planet and forbade her to give birth anywhere on solid earth.

The Birth of Artemis
However, Leto got to the island of Delos and gave birth to Artemis while balancing herself on an olive branch.
When Hera heard this, she prohibited her daughter Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth, of further helping Leto. This postponed the birth of Apollo for nine days. And who knows how much more time it would have passed if the baby Artemis hadn’t miraculously learned the art of midwifery and helped Leto finally deliver her brother.

Artemis, the Vengeful Virgin Goddess
When Artemis was still a little maid, she asked from her father Zeus to keep her maidenhood forever. So – just like Athena and Hestia – she remained chaste for eternity. And she guarded this vow even more vigorously than them.

Artemis, the Defender of Purity
Artemis and Callisto
For example, after her hunting attendant Callisto gave birth to Zeus’s son Arcas, Artemis contrived with Hera to turn her into a bear. The plan was to have Arcas kill her/ However, just as that was about to happen, Zeus placed both of them into the heavens as the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.