Poems by Laura E. Richards for children

In My Nursery A Book of Verse by Laura E. Richards
Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
American writer. She wrote more than 90 books including biographies, poetry, and several for children.
Laura Elizabeth Howe was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on February 27, 1850. Her father was Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe, an abolitionist and the founder of the Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind. She was named after his famous deaf-blind pupil Laura Bridgman. Her mother Julia Ward Howe wrote the words to "The Battle Hymn of the Republic".
In 1871 Laura married Henry Richards. He would accept a management position in 1876 at his family's paper mill at Gardiner, Maine, where the couple moved with their three children. In 1917 Laura won a Pulitzer Prize for Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, a biography, which she co-authored with her sisters, Maud Howe Elliott and Florence Hall.
She died on January 14, 1943.
In My Nursery
The Baby's Future
Baby's Hand
The First Tooth
Johnny's By-low Song
Baby's Valentine
The Rain
The Ballad of the Fairy Spoon
Song of the Little Winds
Good-night Song
Another "Good-night."
"A Bee Came Tumbling"
Little Old Baby
Baby's Journey
The Bumblebee
The Owl and the Eel and the Warming-pan
Young (One)'s Night Thoughts
Little Sunbeam
Baby's Belongings
Infantry Tactics
Baby Bo
The Difference
Little John Bottlejohn
Jemima Brown
Alice's Supper
Bobbily Boo And Wollypotump
Little Brown Bobby
Phil's Secret
A Song For Hal
The Fairies
The Queen Of The Orkney Islands
Baby's Ways
Pot and Kettle
Punkydoodle and Jollapin
Mrs. Snipkin and Mrs. Wobblechin
My Sunbeams
In The Closet
Belinda Blonde
Tommy's Dream; or, the Geography Demon
Polly's Year
What The Robins Sing In The Morning
The Eve Of The Glorious Fourth
The Dandy Cat
A Party
Jumbo Jee
An Indian Ballad
The Egg
Nonsense Verses
An Old Rat's Tale
To The Little Girl Who Wriggles
The Forty Little Ducklings
The Mouse
A Valentine
Jamie In The Garden
Somebody's Boy (Not Mine)
The Mermaiden
The Phrisky Phrog
The Ambitious Chicken
The Boy and The Brook
The Shark
The Easter Hen
Pump and Planet
The Postman
Hopsy Upsy
Little Black Monkey
Jippy and Jimmy
Master Jack's Song
Mother Rosebush
The Five Little Princesses
The Hornet and the Bee
The Three little Chickens who went out to Tea, and the Elephant
A Legend of Lake Okeefinokee
Grandpapa's Valentine
The Three Fishers
May Song
Two Little Valentines
A Howl about An Owl
Our Celebration
The Song of the Corn-popper
What Bobby Said
Master Jack's Views
Emily Jane
Song of the Mother Whose Children Are Fond Of Drawing
The Seven Little Tigers and the Aged Cook
The Wedding
Swing Song
The Little Cossack
What A Very Rude Little Bird Said To Johnny This Morning
The Monkeys and the Crocodile
Painted Ladie
Some Fishy Nonsense
Lady's Slipper
A Little Song to Sing to a Little Maid in A Swing
Betty in Blossom-time
Betty's Song
A Nonsense Tragedy
From New York To Boston
Sandy Godolphin
My Clock
My Uncle Jehoshaphat
Rosy Posy
Sick-room Fancies
Marjorie's Knitting
He and his Family
Jacky Frost
Grandfather Dear
Gathering Apples
The Ballad of the Beach
The Boots of a Household
The Palace
Bunker Hill Monument
Gregory Griggs
A Nursery Tragedy