Old French Fairy Tales by comtesse de Sophie Ségur

Sophia de Segur

Sophia de Segur (née Rostopchina; 1799-1874) is a French writer whose work is considered a “monument of national culture” in her homeland. “The Grandmother of the Pink Library,” as the French call Countess de Segur, began her literary work when she was almost 60 years old, and published about 20 books for children, thanks to which she remains one of the greatest children's writers in France.

Table of Content

The Stories

Old French Fairy Tales

Blondine, Bonnie-Biche, and Beau-Minon


Blondine Lost

The Forest of Lilacs

Blondine's Awakening—Beau-Minon


Blondine's Second Awakening

The Parrot


The Tortoise

The Journey and Arrival

Old French Fairy Tales

Good Little Henry

The Poor Sick Mother

The Crow, the Cock, and the Frog

The Harvest

The Vintage

The Chase

The Fishing

The Plant of Life

Old french fairy tales

Princess Rosette

The Farm

Rosette at the Court of the King Her Father

Family Council

Second Day of the Festival

Third and Last Day of the Festival

Old French Fairy Tales

The Little Grey Mouse

The Little House

The Fairy Detestable

The Prince Gracious

The Tree in the Rotunda

The Casket

Old French Fairy Tales


The Lark and the Toad

Birth and Infancy of Ourson


The Dream

The Toad Again

Violette's Sacrifice

The Wild Boar

The Conflagration

The Well

The Farm—The Castle—The Forge

The Sacrifice

The Combat

The Recompense

A Story outside of the Old French Fairy Tales series

The Story of a Donkey