Brazilian folktales
Traditional Brazilian tales - from creation stories and stories of enchantment to animal and trickster tales - draws on the varied cultural traditions of indigenous peoples
Why the Tiger and the Stag Fear Each Other
How the Speckled Hen Got Her Speckles
How the Monkey Became a Trickster
How the Monkey and the Goat Earned Their Reputations
How the Monkey Got a Drink When He Was Thirsty
How the Monkey Got Food When He Was Hungry
Why the Bananas Belong to the Monkey
How the Monkey Escaped Being Eaten
Why the Monkey Still Has a Tail
How the Pigeon Became a Tame Bird
How the Brazilian Beetles Got Their Gorgeous Coats
Tales of Giants from Brazil
The Little Sister of the Giants
The Forest Lad and the Wicked Giant
How the Giantess Guimara Became Small
The Adventures of a Fisherman’s Son
Author all fairy tales: Elsie Spicer Eells