Andersen's fairy tales

Andersen's fairy tales

Biography of Hans Christian Andersen

About Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen was tall and skinny with a big nose - he always thought that he was very ugly. His stories show compassion for those who are outcast and suffering. They also make fun of the spoiled and conceited. His fairy tales teach us that appearances can be deceiving, and that there is a magical beauty even within the most unlikely characters.


The Tinder Box

Little Claus and Big Claus

The Princess on the Pea

Little Ida's Flowers


The Naughty Boy

The Traveling Companion

This Fable is Intended for You

The Talisman

The Little Mermaid

The Emperor's New Clothes

The Galoshes of Fortune

The Daisy

The Steadfast Tin Soldier

The Wild Swans

The Rose Elf

The Garden of Paradise

The Flying Trunk

The Storks

The Wicked Prince

Ole Lukoie

The Swineherd

The Buckwheat

The Metal Pig

The Bond of Friendship

A Rose from Homer's Grave

The Angel

The Nightingale

The Sweethearts;or,The Top and the Ball

The Ugly Duckling

The Fir Tree

The Snow Queen  (A Tale in Seven Stories)

The Elder-Tree Mother

The Elf Mound

The Red Shoes

The Jumpers

The Shepherdess and the Chimney-Sweep

Holger Danske

The Bell


The Darning Needle

The Little Match Girl

A View from Vartou's Window

 A Picture from the Ramparts

The Old Street Lamp

The Neighboring Families

Little Tuck

The Shadow

The Old House

The Drop of Water

The Happy Family

The Story of a Mother

The Shirt Collar

The Flax

The Phoenix Bird

The Puppet-show Man

A Story

The Silent Book

The Pigs

There is a Difference

The World's Fairest Rose

Thousands of Years from Now

The Swan's Nest

The Old Tombstone

The Story of the Year

On Judgment Day

It's Quite True!

A Good Humor


Everything in its Proper Place

The Goblin and the Grocer

Under The Willow Tree

Five Peas from a Pod

She Was Good for Nothing

The Last Pearl

A Leaf from Heaven

Two Maidens

At the Uttermost Parts of the Sea

The Money Pig

Clumsy Hans

Ib and Little Christine

The Thorny Road of Honor

The Jewish Girl

A String of Pearls

The Bell Deep

The Bottle Neck

Soup on a Sausage Peg

The Nightcap of the "Pebersvend"


The Old Oak Tree's Last Dream

The Marsh King's Daughter

The Racers

The Stone of the Wise Man

The Wind Tells about Valdemar Daae and His Daughters

The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf

Ole, the Tower Keeper

Anne Lisbeth

Children's Prattle

The Child in the Grave

Pen and Inkstand

The Farmyard Cock and the Weathercock


A Story from the Sand Dunes

Two Brothers

Moving Day

The Butterfly

The Bishop of Borglum and his Men

Twelve by the Mail

The Beetle

What the Old Man Does is Always Right

The Snow Man

In the Duck Yard

The New Century's Goddes

The Ice Maiden ( contains 15 parts)

The Psyche

The Snail and the Rosebush

The Old Church Bell

The Silver Shilling

The Snowdrop

The Teapot

The Bird of Folklore

The Will-o'-the-Wisps Are in Town

The Windmill

In the Children's Room

Golden Treasure

The Storm Shifts the Signboards

Kept Secret but not Forgotten

The Porter's Son


The Toad

Vano and Glano

The Little Green Ones

The Goblin and the Woman

Peiter, Peter, and Peer

Godfather's Picture Book

Which Was the Happiest?

The Days of the Week

The Dryad

The Rags

The Court Cards

Luck May Lie in a Pin

Sunshine Stories

The Comet

What One Can Invent

What Happened to the Thistle

Chicken Grethe's Family

What the Whole Family Said

The Candles


The Most Incredible Thing

Dance, Dance, Doll of Mine!

The Great Sea Serpent

The Gardener and the Noble Family

What Old Johanne Told

The Gate Key

The Cripple

Aunty Toothache

The Flea and the Professor

Remark:Tales are arranged in the chronological order of their publications

Translation: Jean Hersholt