Priapus (Priapos) Rustic God

Priapus (Priapos) Rustic god

Priapus was a minor fertility god in Greek mythology, who was also the protector of livestock, fruit plants.

Priapus' Family
Sources differ as to who his parents were. Some say he was the son of the god Dionysus and the goddess Aphrodite; Dionysus and Chione; Hermes and Aphrodite; Zeus and Aphrodite; or Pan and Aphrodite.

Hera's Curse
According to the myth, Hera cursed him while he was still in the womb of Aphrodite, because she was jealous that the Trojan prince Paris had picked Aphrodite as being the most beautiful of the goddesses and had given the Golden Apple of Eris to her.

Priapus comes to Earth
The gods did not want Priapus to live with them on Olympus, and he was left on a hillside on Earth. There, he was taken by shepherds who raised him. 

Patron god of Merchant Sailing
He also became the patron god of merchant sailing, protecting and guiding them through rough seas. It was common for merchants to carry a Priapus figure.