Hydros primordial God of the water

Hydros primordial God of the water

In the Orphic Theogonies Hydros (Water), Thesis (Creation) and Mud were the first entities to emerge at the dawn of creation. Mud in turn solidified into Gaia (Earth) who, together with Hydros, produced Khronos (Chronos, Time) and Ananke (Compulsion). This latter pair then crushed the cosmic-egg with their serpentine coils to hatch Phanes (Life) and divide the cosmos into its constituent parts--Heaven, Air, Earth and Sea.
The Orphic Rhapsodies, which evolved from the older Theogonies, discarded the figures the Khronos and Ananke and instead have Phanes born directly of Hydros and Gaia.

The figure of Hydros was derived by the Orphics from Okeanos (Oceanus)--the earth-encircling, fresh-water river which Homer describes as the source of the gods. His consort Thesis was likewise the primordial counterpart of Okeanos' wife Tethys.