Keto (Ceto) sea Goddess

Keto (Ceto) sea Goddess

Keto was a sea goddess and the daughter of the ancient god Phorcys. She was known for her fierce nature and was often associated with sea monsters and other fearsome creatures of the deep. She was also the mother of many of the most famous sea monsters in Greek mythology, including the fearsome Kraken. Despite her fearsome reputation, she was also a protector of sailors and was often called upon to help them in times of need.
Also referred to as Ceto, she was the goddess of sea monsters. She was the daughter of Gaia and Pontus, who was the god of the sea before Poseidon had that role. Pontus, Gaia, and Keto all predated the Olympian gods and goddesses. Keto’s name was derived from an Ancient Greek word meaning “whale”.

Keto, also spelled Ceto and translated as “sea monster,” is the daughter of Pontus and Gaia in Greek mythology. She is the primordial goddess of sea monsters and large sea creatures such as sharks and whales. Most notably, Ceto is known for bearing truly horrid creatures with her brother Phorcys.