Naiads — Nymphs of Fresh-Water

Naiads — Nymphs of Fresh-Water

Naiads were the nymphs of rivers, streams, lakes, marshes, fountains and springs. They were minor goddesses who attended the assemblies of the gods on Mount Olympos.
Naiads are demi-goddesses who dwell in the bright, fresh waters of ancient Greek civilizations. These enchanting ladies are deeply attached to their homes, and if a town happens to spring up near their waters, they will offer blessings and protection to the town—as long as its inhabitants don’t offend them.

Naiads are divided into many subcategories, depending on the type of water they call home. Pegaia inhabit springs and wells; krenaia make their home in fountains; potameides can be found in streams; limnades inhabit lakes; and heleionomai live in wetlands and marshes.