Kampe a monstrous centaurine creature

Kampe a monstrous centaurine creature

Kampe (Campe) was a monstrous Drakaina (She-Dragon) set by the Titan Kronos (Cronus) to guard the Hekatonkheires and Kyklopes (Cyclopes) trapped in the pit of Tartaros. Zeus slew her and freed the giants from their prison to aid him in his war against the Titanes.

Kampe was a monstrous centaurine creature with the upper body of a woman and the tail of a serpent in place of legs. She had serpentine hair, fifty bestial heads--lions, boars and other wild animals--arranged about her shoulders or waist, and a thousand vipers for "feet". Dark wings graced her shoulders and above her head she raised a deadly scorpion-sting. Her name means "Crooked One" or "Winding One" from the Greek words kampsos and kamptô.

Kampe was perhaps identified with Ekhidna, a she-dragon daughter of Tartaros.