The Efficiency Expert by Edgar Rice Burroughs

The Efficiency Expert by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Jimmy Torrance graduated from college without a hope -- he'd spent his hours at the university learning how to box, how to swim, how the hit a baseball and lead a football team. He set out for Chicago with all the enthusiastic eagerness oif a man who knows in his heart of heart, that he's on the winning team. But Chicago wasn't Ivy-league college football, a there was no team to captain: What Jimmyu found in Chicago was a tough life in a tough place at a miserable wage. He found the decency of folks any ordinary fellow would have branded criminals, and he found the criminality of upstanding citizens who surrounded him. He found a whore with a heart of gold, and a safe-cracker who was also a man a body could rely on. And most important of all, in that freakish, frightful burg, Jimmy found a thing called love.

Table of Content

Chapter 1 Jimmy Torrance, Jr

Chapter 2 Jimmy Will Accept a Position

Chapter 3 The Lizard

Chapter 4 Jimmy Hunts a Job

Chapter 5 Jimmy Lands one

Chapter 6 Harold Plays the Raven

Chapter 7 Jobless again

Chapter 8 Bread from the waters

Chapter 9 Harold Sits In a Game

Chapter 10 At Feinheimer's

Chapter 11 Christmas Eve

Chapter 12 Up or Down?

Chapter 13 Harriet Philosophizes

Chapter 14 In Again--out Again

Chapter 15 Little Eva

Chapter 16 Jimmy Throws a Bluff

Chapter 17 Jimmy on the Job

Chapter 18 The Efficiency Expert

Chapter 19 Plotting

Chapter 20 An Invitation to Dine

Chapter 21 Jimmy Tells the Truth

Chapter 22 A Letter from Murray

Chapter 23 Laid up

Chapter 24 In the Toils

Chapter 25 Circumstantial Evidence

Chapter 26 "The only Friends he has"

Chapter 27 The Trial

Chapter 28 The Verdict