Nightingale the Robber — Russian fairy tale character

Nightingale the Robber — Russian fairy tale character

Nightingale the Robber is the hero of the classic Russian epic tale, “The First Journey of Ilya Muromets.” He lives in a nest which is in either nine or twelve oak-trees. He’s the head of a family – his three grown-up daughters and their husbands live with him there. He stalks the road from Chernigov to Kiev – no matter whether travelers go on horseback or on foot, the Nightingale whistles at them with his deathly call and frightens them to death.
Thus things went until the warrior Ilya Muromets defeated the Nightingale and took him to the Grand Prince in Kiev. People have seen the Nightingale in different ways, sometimes as a man, sometimes as a winged avian half-man. He personifies the kind of fear that might strike travelers along their way.

Iliya of Murom and the Robber Nightingale Russian folktale