Easter - Poem by Laura E. Richards

Give flowers to all the children,
This blessed Easter Day, -
Fair crocuses and snowdrops,
And tulips brave and gay;

Bright nodding daffodillies,
And purple iris tall,
And sprays of silver lilies,
The loveliest of all.

And tell them, tell the children,
How in the dark, cold earth,
The flowers have been waiting
Till spring should give them birth.

All winter long they waited,
Till the south wind's soft breath
Bade them rise up in beauty,
And bid farewell to death.

Then tell the little children
How Christ our Saviour, too,
The flower of all eternity,
Once death and darkness knew.

How, like these blossoms, silent,
Within the tomb he lay;
Then rose in light and glory,
To live in heaven alway.

So take the flowers, children,
And be ye pure as they;
And sing of Christ our Saviour,
This blessed Easter Day.