Riddles for kids with pictures

Kids riddle - way to stimulate the young brains. Kids love to explore, and the more they explore, the more will be their creative enhancement. Even parents can enjoy solving riddles with their kids.

Riddles for Kids

I live in the woods.

I'm very big and furry.

I have a big nose, a little tail and four legs.

I like to eat fish and berries.

I am a... click here


I have wings but I'm not a bird

I am small and colorful.

I live in gardens and fields and forests.

I used to be a caterpillar.

I am a... click here


I'm a soft and furry pet.

I have four legs and a long tail.

I have sharp teeth and claws.

I like to chase mice.

I am a... click here


I live in a house called a coop.

I have two legs, two wings and a tail.

I eat worms and bugs and grain.

I lay eggs.

I am a... click here


I live in lakes and rivers.

I eat fish and birds.

I have four legs and a long tail.

I have lots of pretty teeth.

I am a... click here


I have four legs.

I'm very smart and I like to play.

I like to smell things.

I can wag my tail.

I am a... click here


I'm very, very big.

I like to eat peanuts and hay.

I have four legs and two big ears.

My long nose is called a trunk.

I am an... click here


I live in the ocean.

I swim on my side.

I love to hide in the sand.

My eyes are both on the same side of my head.

I am a... click here


My skin is green and slippery.

I have four legs and webbed feet.

I eat bugs and little fish.

I can swim under water and hop on land.

I am a... click here


I live in a bowl.

I can swim.

I have a tail.

I also have fins and big eyes.

I am a... click here


I have four legs and a long tail.

I eat oats and hay.

I love to run fast.

I let people ride on my back.

I am a... click here


I live in the ocean.

I have eight legs, two big claws and a tail.

My body has a hard shell.

I eat anything I can find.

I am a... click here


I live in the ocean.

I like to eat crabs.

I can change colors.

My eight legs are called tentacles.

I am an... click here


I have a tail.

I can fly.

I'm covered in colorful feathers.

I can whistle and I can talk.

I am a... click here


I have a little tail.

My nose is called a snout.

I live on a farm.

I can say, "Oink-oink"

I am a... click here


I have four legs and a flat tail.

My face looks like a duck's face.

I live in the water.

I am brown and furry.

I am a... click here


I am small and shy.

I have eight legs.

I eat bugs.

I catch them in my web.

I am a... click here


I live in the ocean.

I move slowly.

I eat clams.

I have five arms.

I am a... click here


I have four legs and a tail.

I have no teeth.

I can swim and dive underwater.

I carry my house around with me.

I am a... click here