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Chapter 4 The Sign of the Twisted Candles by Carolyn Keene

A Strange Story
As Nancy headed the car for River Heights, Bess and George began to talk excitedly.

“I wonder what the feud is about,” said Bess. “It must be pretty bad.”

George nodded and Nancy told them about Hannah Gruen’s remark, “Now you’re in for trouble.” The cousins could not figure out what she had meant, but said they would ask their parents.

“We’ll let you know, Nancy, what they say,” Bess promised.

Heavy storm damage to trees and flooding along the roads made driving hazardous and it was late before Nancy reached her own home. Mr. Drew heard her pull into the garage and opened the kitchen door.

“Hi, Dad!” Nancy cried, kissing him.

“Hello, Nancy! How’s the junior partner of Drew and Drew, Incorporated?” The tall, handsome lawyer laughed.

“Full of mystery,” she replied. “Wait’ll you hear what happened. Hi, Hannah!” she said to the sweet, motherly-looking housekeeper who had just finished putting away the dinner dishes. She had helped rear Nancy since she was three, when Mrs. Drew had died.

Nancy said, “Let’s all go into the living room and exchange stories. Dad, build a nice cozy fire, will you? It’s chilly.”

Soon there was a roaring blaze in the fireplace and the three sat down. Hannah Gruen brought a cup of steaming cocoa and homemade cookies for Nancy, while she and Mr. Drew had second cups of coffee.

“First I’ll tell my story,” Nancy said, “then I want to hear about your warning, Hannah.”

She was interrupted many times by her astonished listeners, and all three agreed that Mr. Jemitt’s actions seemed very suspicious. Between him and the greedy relatives, Asa Sidney was in a bad spot.

Finally Mr. Drew said, “What were you saying about a warning?”

Nancy replied, “When I phoned Hannah, she said, ‘Asa Sidney! Now you’re in for trouble!’ Then the phone went dead. What did you mean, Hannah?”

“Well, it’s a long story,” Mrs. Gruen cautioned. “This isn’t serious trouble, but it may mean a heartache for you, Nancy. I’m afraid Bess’s and George’s parents didn’t intend that you find out about the family skeleton.”

“But,” Nancy protested, “they thought it was all right for Bess and George to take me to the inn to investigate.”

The housekeeper sighed. “You never can tell about people. Well, I’ll begin at the beginning. I heard this long ago from a woman who used to work for the Sidneys.” Hannah repeated the story Asa Sidney had told the girls and added, “Ever since the little girl’s death, the Boontons and the Sidneys have been enemies. The Boontons are mad at the Sidneys because Asa didn’t pay attention to his family, and the Sidneys are mad at the Boontons because Mrs. Sidney left her husband.”

“And Bess Marvin and George Fayne are related to the Boontons, aren’t they?” Mr. Drew inquired.

“Exactly! Mrs. Asa Sidney’s maiden name was Boonton.”

After Mrs. Gruen had explained the complicated family tree, Nancy remarked, “So Bess and George are great-grandnieces of old Asa Sidney!”

“That’s it.” Hannah nodded. “Mrs. Marvin and Mrs. Fayne didn’t expect you to find out all about the feud—only whether or not the Jemitts are mistreating Asa Sidney.”

Nancy laughed. “I’ll stick strictly to the Jemitt case.”

“Once,” said Mrs. Gruen, “there was some sort of reconciliation between a Boonton and a Sidney, and a marriage, I believe. But the feelings of both families were so bitter that they disowned the couple. I don’t know what happened to them.”

At that moment the telephone rang. Nancy leaped to her feet, hoping the call would be from Ned Nickerson, her favorite date.

Instead of Ned’s cheery baritone, the voice on the wire proved to be feminine. “Is this Nancy Drew?”


“The Miss Drew who was at The Twisted Candles this afternoon during the storm?”

Nancy’s pulse quickened. “Yes, I was there with two friends,” she said. “Who is this?”

“Carol Wipple.”

“Carol, I’m so glad to hear from you. I was just telling my father of our meeting, and telling him, too, that I hoped to visit you again soon.”

“That’s good of you, Nancy. I—you—your father’s a lawyer, isn’t he?”


“Mr. Sidney wants a lawyer, a really good one, Nancy,” Carol said. “Could your father come tomorrow morning to draw a new will for him?”

“I’m sure he’ll come,” said Nancy, “but let me ask him.”

A moment later she had his promise and Carol was delighted. “Please come with him. I’ll be waiting for you.”

“I’ll try,” Nancy replied. She hurried back to her father. “May I go along?”

“Hm! This is strictly cut-and-dried legal business,” Mr. Drew replied, “but then I might need a detective. Okay, come along.”

Early the next morning father and daughter were riding southward on the state highway, with Nancy at the wheel of her convertible. The fallen tree had been removed, so she was able to drive directly to The Sign of the Twisted Candles.

“That’s the tower room up there,” Nancy pointed out. “And I see Carol sweeping the porch.”

Carol looked up as the car swung into the driveway, and ran forward to greet Nancy. She acknowledged the introduction to Mr. Drew and thanked him for coming.

“Mr. Sidney is expecting you,” she said. “Nancy, you’ll show your father the way up, won’t you? I must hurry with my work.”

“Indeed I will,” Nancy stated, opening the door. Then she leaned toward Carol and whispered, “Stay where I can find you. I’ll be down in a minute.”

Carol nodded and Nancy entered the hallway with her father.

Before they could proceed, Mrs. Jemitt popped into the hall. “You wish breakfast?” she said. “We don’t usually serve this early.” She gave no indication that she recognized Nancy.

“No, thank you,” Mr. Drew answered. “I have a business appointment with Mr. Sidney.”

Mrs. Jemitt jumped in front of the staircase. “You can’t see him! He’s—he’s ill. He didn’t sleep well.”

“That’s all the more reason why I should go up,” the lawyer persisted.

Mrs. Jemitt was firm. She stretched out her arms to bar the way. “You’d better leave,” she advised angrily.

Nancy was in a quandary. She knew her father would never touch the woman. If Mrs. Jemitt was to be forcibly removed from the stairway, she would have to do it!

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